The earliest craft I made was for a friend. He absolutely loves the Dallas Cowboys. Why? Don't ask me because I have no earthly idea why, but he does. I made him this magnet board. I hope he likes it. I am sure he will since he likes anything with the color blue.

Just an FYI to anyone who is wanting to repaint furniture- don't use Latex paint. You have to paint over it 32840945 times before it remotely looks decent. Those to you who knew that all ready, I am an idiot. However, I used what I had versus going out and buying more. What ever works I suppose? I do feel like my furniture turned out really well though. I can't wait to finish my dresser and desk to match.
The lamp is my favorite part. I saw it on a DIY project online some where (probably www.designsponge.com) and I immediately wanted to do it. I was just waiting to get into my storage unit and dig it up! It would be really cute for a little girls room also, I think.
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